Headlime has hundreds and hundreds of templates ready for you to use. However, you're creative, and you have template ideas of your own. Can you add those to Headlime? The answer is: of course! We'd love that!

What happens when I add a template?

Adding a template will allow you to immediately use it within Headlime. It will function like any other template, so add them and have at it!

Adding a template

Adding a template is easy, and can be done in a couple of steps.

First, go to the type of template you want to edit. You can select this either from Headlime's homescreen, or from the left sidebar if you're already working on templates. In this example image, we're adding a headline.


In the top right corner, there's a green button that says 'Add template'. Click that.


An overlay will open where you can add your template. Fields will appear for each part of the template that needs to be filled out. In the case of Headline templates, there's only one field labeled 'Title', which looks like this:


We will explain this part using an example. Imagine you're selling fruit, and you want to promote your bananas. You may come up with the headline The best bananas around. This will be the headline we are going to add to Headlime.

If you want to add that, you'll need a way to replace 'bananas' with another type of fruit, so you can use it for multiple purposes. This is where the variables come in.

At the bottom, you can see a large list labeled 'Variables'. These are all the variables Headlime has, and you can use these in your template. You've probably used these in regular templates already. Scroll through the list to find the ones you want to use. In the case of our example headline, this would be 'Product'.