We've done our best to make the AI as good as it can be. However, perfection doesn't exist, and mistakes happen. It's possible that you may get some odd and unfitting results, that the AI is not giving you any results, or that the AI does not seem to work properly. Follow these steps to troubleshoot any potential problems.

Try again

Sometimes, the connection between you and the AI can simply get interrupted, causing odd or no results. It's also possible the AI may simply mess up a bit. That's just the nature of AI.

If you get an odd result, first try running the AI again a few times. If the next results are fine, it was probably just a simple singular mistake, and you can continue using the AI as normal. If the next results are also odd or don't work, go to the next step.

Try a different description

The AI has been trained to understand most copy descriptions to the best of its abilities. However, since there are infinite ways for people to write, it's possible the AI may have some trouble with the specific description you gave it. Try rewriting your prompt with different wording and sentence structure. Make sure you are expansive and specific. When this is done, try running the AI again. If the results are better, you can continue. If the results are still not right, go to the next step.

Refresh the page

Sometimes a problem can occur in the connection between your system and the AI. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but it usually happens when the tool has been open and unuse for a long time. Try refreshing the page. This will basically restart Headlime. After this, try generating some content again. If this doesn't work, try moving onto the next step.

Clear your browser cache

We are constantly improving Headlime, including the AI generation, via small updates. These should automatically be processed without any problems, but it's possible there may be some data saved by your browser which is causing these updates to not go through, breaking the AI.

First, close Headlime. Next, go into your browser's settings and clear the cache. Now, close the browser and reopen it. Go back to Headlime, and try the AI generator again. If it still doesn't work, move onto the next step.

Note: don't want to delete your browser's cache? You can test whether this is the problem by opening Headlime in an incognito window and trying the AI there. If it works, then this is the problem and you need to clear your cache in order for the AI to work properly again. If it still doesn't work, you can also move onto the next step.

Try again later or contact us

If all of the above did not help, the issue is probably on our side. It's possible the AI may be down for a bit for some reason, or maybe there's another problem on our end. We recommend waiting a few hours and trying again. The AI may be back up and running then.

Of course, you may always contact us via our livechat. We'll be with you as soon as possible and try to help you solve the problem.