The AI can be a tricky thing to master. Are you just not quite getting the results you were hoping for? Here are some tips and tricks that may help.

Note: are the results straight-up bad or faulty? Then try following these tips first.

Write more for your description

The more information you feed the AI, the more it can use to generate content. That's why longer descriptions are typically better. Try expanding on your description with more specifics. That may improve the results.

Be really, really specific

Our AI may be clever, but it's not smart. It needs clear guidelines it can latch on to in order to generate solid content. Make sure your descriptions are really, really specific. Write crystal clear explanations of what you mean, so there's absolutely no mistaking anything.

Make sure you use clear keywords

The AI works best with specific things it can latch on to. That means it really likes keywords. If you use specific words to describe your product, the AI can use those to more clearly interpret what you mean. Try to get more specific with some of your word choices.

Try using synonyms

The AI knows a lot, but it's not a dictionary. It may not be familiar with all words that you're using. Try switching up your word choice by using synonyms. Switch out some words for words that mean the same. Perhaps the AI will have an easier time interpreting those. Not sure what synonyms you could use? There are countless websites out there where you can look up synonyms for a word.

Switch up the tone of voice

The AI will do its best to match your description to the tone of voice you set. However, sometimes this simply doesn't work out too well. Try using a different tone of voice and see whether the results change.