Headlime offers 30 different types of copy, divided into three categories:

In addition, we also offer a fifth type of content:

A selection of types of copy. The different categories are identified by the color and icon used.

A selection of types of copy. The different categories are identified by the color and icon used.

AI Landing Pages

Writing, designing and building effective landing pages can be a real challenge. However, what if you could just skip all that, and get a complete landing page ready to use with just a few clicks? With Headlime's AI Landing Page builder, you can.

Simply write a short description of what the page should be about, and the AI will generate a selection of page components, complete with unique and effective copy. Drag the ones you like to the editor, and your page is ready to be exported and used! The AI has been trained using landing pages designs and copy created by experts, so you'll get nothing but the best.

Within Headlime, the AI Landing Page generator is identified with a teal color and this icon:


Learn more about the AI landing page generator here.


Templates is the classic form of content. These are relatively short pieces of copy which you can directly copy and use. Examples include headlines, email templates, social media posts and Google Ads.

Within Headlime, templates are identified with a green color and these icons: