Headlime has a wide selection of templates, all ready for you to use. We'll run through all of them so you can easily find the exact one you need.

Headlime offers the following templates:



Headlines are basically like titles to your content. They are designed to instantly grab the reader's attention, tell them what you're about to tell them about and draw them in. They are usually used at the top of landing pages or homepages, serving as a page title. However, you can also use them for many other purposes like titles to blogs, emails, ads, etc.



This one seems pretty self-explanatory. Yes, this category has a large selection of email templates. Whether you're looking for emails for onboarding, trial duration notifications, surveys, subscription notifications, abandoned cart chasers or whatever else, we're bound to have the exact email you need ready to go.


Survey Questions

User feedback is incredibly valuable, and surveys are a great way to get that feedback. However, asking the right questions that will get you the answers you need can be tricky. With these survey question templates, you've got more than enough questions to built a perfect survey in minutes. Pick out the questions that match what you want to ask, copy, paste, voila!


Social Media

Social media can be brutal, isn't it? You have to put out consistent content, it has to be of high quality, it has to be engaging, and it has to please the algorithm on top of that. These posts are ready to be used on all of your social media accounts. Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or anything else, these templates are sure to grab your followers' attention.


CTA Buttons

CTA stands for 'call-to-action'. Simply put, a CTA button is a button on your site with the main goal being that people click on it. These are the buttons that people have to click to convert, so they have to be enticing. A simple "Accept" doesn't cut it anymore. That's what these CTA button templates are for.
