Headlime offers a variety of features to make using the templates as easy and efficient as possible. Let's go over all of them one by one.

NOTE: Are you looking for information on how to use variables - the terms between curly brackets? You can find that here.

Filtering by origin

Templates in Headlime can have three different origins:

You can filter your view to specifically show templates made by you or your team. You can do this using the dropdown button that says 'All scripts'.


Simply select what you want to see. 'All scripts' will show all templates that are available. 'Personal' will show you all templates that you've added yourself. 'Team' will show you all templates added by your team members.


Searching for specific templates

With hundreds of templates available, looking for the one you need can be overwhelming. That's why we've included a search feature. You can find this search bar near the top of the screen.


With this search bar, you can search both for words in templates and for specific tags.

About tags

Every template in Headlime has one or multiple tags. You can see these as grey text in grey ovals. For example, the headline below has three tags: Ads, Email, and Landing Page.